New in 21.01.3

Do you have practice goals for 2021? The new Goals Dashboard feature is designed to help you meet them.

Goals Dashboard

You can open the dashboard from 3 locations:

1. Tap "Goals" in the PolyNome sidebar menu

2. Tap the Preset name on the main page and choose "Goals"

3. Tap the Presets/Playlists drop down on the Library page and choose "Goals"

Goals Dashboard Features:

  • See all of your Preset and Playlist goals in one place
  • Choose the days you want to work on different goals (Everyday, specific week days, every X days)
  • See your "Goals for Today" at the top of the Dashboard, along with the total practice time, and progress.
  • Tap a goal to immediately load the Preset/Playlist
  • Tap the Practice Log button to see all of the stats for the Preset/Playlist (when you last worked on it, what tempo, how much time you've logged in total, etc)

Read more about the Goals Dashboard here

Also in this version:
Improved Notifications:

  • Turn on notifications in Preferences > Notifications
  • Improved Daily Summary notification tells you your current practice streak.
  • Achievement notifications tell you when you've beaten a previous practice streak, or had the best day or week of practice.
  • When in a Playlist, the +/- tempo buttons on the main page become previous/next buttons to Playlist navigation

Minor changes:

  • Session Timer will not play a sound when it ends IF you're in the middle of a Preset or Playlist that has an end point. This is to avoid interrupting your flow. Instead, it will just show on on the screen that the timer has finished.
  • Practice Log loads faster
Happy New Year! I hope 2021 turns out better than 2020.

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