New in 22.07.1 - 22.08.1

Transpose multiple Playlist items at once

If you have multiple Playlist items that use notes from the piano keyboard, you can transpose them all at once. 

Transposing a Section

1. Select the Section Header in the Playlist

2. Tap on the sequencer you want to Transpose and choose the Transpose option

3. Use the +/- buttons to apply a transposition

All of the items in the Section will be transposed by the same amount.

Transposing multiple items

1. Make sure one of the items you want to transpose is selected.

2. Tap the multi-select button on the Playlist and select all items to be transposed.

3. Tap the sequencer you want to transpose and choose the Transpose option.

4. Use the +/- buttons to apply the transposition.

All selected items will be transposed by the same amount.

22.08.1 updated the Big Numbers Color Picker in Preferences, and adds a feature where PolyNome will automatically pause and resume when a phone call comes in.

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